Quotation Explorer - 'Jean Baudrillard'

Take your desires for reality!" can be understood as the ultimate slogan of power. - Jean Baudrillard
If you do not lend your car, your fountain pen or your wife to anyone, that is because these objects, according to the logic of jealously, are narcissistic equivalents of the ego: to lose them, or for them to be damaged, means castration. - Jean Baudrillard
It is the task of radical thought, since the world is given to us in unintelligibility, to make it more unintelligible, more enigmatic, more fabulous. - Jean Baudrillard
I vote, I participate, I am present, I am concerned" - mirror of a paradoxical mockery, mirror of the indifference of all public signification. - Jean Baudrillard
What is man if the signs that predate him have such power? A human race has to invent sacrifices equal to the natural cataclysmic order that surrounds it. - Jean Baudrillard
Americans may have no identity, but they do have wonderful teeth. - Jean Baudrillard
Democracy is the menopause of Western society, the Grand Climacteric of the body social. Fascism is its middle-aged lust. - Jean Baudrillard
Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things. - Jean Baudrillard
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